
Cool Denim-On-Denim Outfits For The Spring!

How to wear Denim-On-Denim

For many years wearing Denim-On-Denim was a fashion faux pas. But my oh my have times changed! According to Madewell‘s head of design, Somsack Sikhounmuong, “The best head-to-toe denim look is when the washes and the tones are close or the same.”  He says an easy outfit idea is “A light chambray shirt with a faded skinny jean.” I agree with this statement. But I also believe that to create an outfit that looks stylish and put together, without looking too denim heavy, the key is to choose three very different shades of blue.

I personally love the denim-on-denim look. You can dress denim up or down. Remember, your denim shades do not always have to match; mix-matching denim shades, keeps the look more interesting.  A few of my favorite looks are:

– Pairing a darker pair of boyfriend jeans, a basic tee, and a light denim jacket.  The two-toned look is very fashionable. And if you really want to take it to the next level, throw on a pair of pumps with it!

– To shake things up in the double denim department, mix in white denim.  This will get you a spring/ summer vibe.

– To create a more professional look, add darker washes.  For example: A black rinse bottom, denim shirt, and blazer with black flats is a cool sophisticated look. My motto: heels make everything better!


Denim for Spring & Summer

Another key thing to remember is that denim-on-denim doesn’t have to just involve wearing jeans. I have learned along the way that denim transitions great throughout all seasons. You can wear cutoff shorts, skirts and overalls, etc… to get a more spring/summer feel.


What do you think about denim all-over? Are you ready to give it a shot?

I want to see how you style your head-to-toe denim look. Email me your outfit photos to [email protected] and I’ll feature some of my favorite looks as member spotlight!


What I’m Wearing

 Top: J.Crew  | Jeans: Gap (old): similar (here)| Hat: Nordstrom old – similar (here)
Belt: (old) similar (here)| Sandals : Target | Watch: Nixon | Scarf: Madewell (old) similar (here)
Necklace: Madewell (here) |Watch: Nixon (here) Lipstick: Nars


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